Thursday, December 4, 2014

Getting back at it!

If you read my last post, you got a good idea of how important rest is and how much we were looking forward to having that rest this year. This is the time of year that is most difficult for Kimi and me to accomplish our runs. The weather turns cold, outdoor conditions (rain/snow/daylight) make it difficult, and our next event isn't for several months. However, this winter we are determined to conquer all of those things and better than we have ever done before.

We both have high aspirations for next year's racing seasons and we don't want to start out the year behind like we did this past year (mostly that was due to a couple sicknesses that set us back). Kimi and I have been running extremely low mileage over the last couple weeks allowing for some much needed rejuvenation prior to hammering the next 6+ months of training. We are planning to venture into mileage amounts higher than we've ever done in order to try to really see just what we are completely capable of. 

Yesterday was our first day to miss running in over 3 weeks. It wasn't due to a lack of wanting to go, but simply from the icy conditions outdoors and our lack of treadmill access. I'm not typically a fan of the treadmill but when used occasionally, it's better than not being able to run at all. I keep telling Kimi that we should have invested in one back in August when I almost bought one for a good price at a Sports Authority going out of business sale. I wish I had done so now.  Unfortunately, that just wasn't in the cards at that time to get one. 

Over the next several weeks, Kimi and I will be returning to normal mileage amounts for us (50+ miles per week).  Then we will venture into the 70's and hopefully by the time mid-May comes around, we'll be rolling in the 80's and 90's. Time will tell, but I think it's going to be a great 2015 of running.  2014 was good but I expect an even better 2015.

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