Monday, July 21, 2014

The Miles are going by!

It's been two weeks now since my last post. That's mostly because Kimi and I have been simply logging the miles with and having been doing a lot of workouts or anything too incredibly exciting.  However, The last two weeks have been solid mileage weeks. Just last week we managed to crank out 64 miles which should start my streak of 60+ mile weeks that I'm hoping to hold until some time in October. The week prior to that was 58 miles so even that was a solid week.

Kimi is planning to run the Tulsa Diva Dash this week which is a 5k so we'll be headed that direction on Friday night. With that in mind, we decided to do a couple workouts before she heads down there. On Saturday morning, we did a pretty decent 2 on 2 off workout.  It went as well as could be expected. Most of that is probably due to the phenomenal weather we've been having. Looks like this week will be headlined by hotter temps unfortunately.  I can't complain though, the weather has been awesome so far this summer.  Our long run also was great on Sunday so I think Kimi will be just fine for her upcoming 5k race.

The real question is whether or not we will be running a marathon this fall. We have been tossing around the idea of running the Prairie Fire Marathon in Wichita but haven't fully decided on it yet. I hope to have it all planned out and ready to go in the next week or so. In the mean time, I'm preparing as if we are going to run it and then if we don't, I'll simply be that much stronger for the Bass Pro Half in November.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Is our recovery really over already? Time to focus again!

Recovery time has ended. We're now starting to get our focus back to training. Following the Grandma's Marathon, Kimi and I didn't run for several days.  This is one of the few times we take some significant time off from running to let ourselves refocus mentally and physically. We managed to run a total of 19 miles during the week following the marathon. 

Last week we increased the miles significantly in order to prepare for the Firecracker 5000 in Branson.  We were asked to join a team known as the 'Idiots Running Club' which was full of some pretty amazing runners. All of them had either run a 100 miler or are currently training for one so we didn't quite fit the group prototype but we're both marathoners so that's good enough. We had a lot of fun at this race. Kimi and I weren't sure how we'd actually feel on race morning since it was only a couple weeks after our race and our runs hadn't been anywhere close to normal pace yet. 

Much to our surprise, we both had an excellent race. I started out really good for me with a 5:11 mile and I was surprised at just how easy it was feeling up to that point. That's when the fatigued legs started to set in a bit. I managed to keep it together enough to still have a great finish for myself. The second and third miles were both 5:30 ish and then I finished out to a 16:35 and a 7th place finish.  Kimi ran really well too. She finished 1st overall for women, 13th overall in the race, and had a time in the 17:teens.  All in all we were quite pleased.

Thanks to the few weeks of lower miles and a long weekend, we were finally able to accomplish a lot at our house. We're both really excited that everything is starting to come together and become more like a home rather than a construction site! We've also been planning out our Summer/Fall racing schedule so we can start planning the training for it.  I haven't fully committed but I might be running another marathon this fall.  If so, I'll have to have an awesome training season so that I can truly go after my goal of sub 6min/mile.  That should make for some good blog posts in the future so I hope you'll keep following Kimi and I as we continue training and pursuing goals. 

Last week's mileage - 43 miles
5k race - 16:35, 7th place