These last few weeks with the snow on the ground were frustrating. Just prior to that, Kimi and I had a stellar week. I wrote my last blog about the time the snow nailed us good. I had plans to be hitting a lot of miles over the past couple weeks and I was determined to make it happen. The first Monday after the first dump truck of snow, Kimi and I ventured out to go for a run. We cut it short after we decided that the snow was simply too deep to fight through and get any real benefit. We jumped in the car and I took Kimi to the gym where she finished up her remaining mileage for the day.While she was doing that, I ventured back outside on the treacherous roads. That's when everything started to fall apart a bit. With my lack of treadmill access, I will typically make it outdoors or not run at all. Since the snow lingered pretty much all week, I was unable to get outside and do much running whatsoever. By the weekend, Kimi and I decided (against better judgement) to go to Wilson's Creek Battlefield to run Friday, Saturday, and Sunday because this seemed to be the only place we could find where the roads were completely clear. We ran an easy run Friday of 5 miles. Then we backed it up Saturday with a smoking fast 6 mile tempo run. And then came Sunday; we were planning to do our long run there and after 1 loop around, I started to feel a tweak in my knee. I'm usually pretty cautious in these scenarios so I immediately called it quit with 5 miles. Most of the time, these types of things are held at bay by simply not pushing through discomfort and making things worse but not always. I went back out for a run the next day and the knee was good until about 6-7 miles into the run. That's when I finally had to pull the plug and start analyzing exactly what was going on with me physically. I haven't been able to do a lot of running over the last 2 weeks due to the knee and my fear of making it worse by running on the snow and icy conditions. In the mean time, I did a lot of indoor rehabilitation exercises to start stabilizing my hips and knees since the lack of working out definitely seemed to aggravate my condition. I went 4 straight days with no running (complete torture) and then started back into things last weekend.
Easy 4 mile run on Friday went fine. And much to my surprise, I hadn't lost too much of my fitness on Saturday when I decided to go for a tempo run with Kimi. The plan was to simply keep going as long as I felt good and could keep up. I made it the entire 8 miles at sub 6 pace. We were moving!
I think I'm definitely turning the corner and getting back on track. I don't know that I will be ready for Rock the Parkway in April (at least not how I'd hoped) but so long as I'm ready to roll in May and June, I'll be a happy man.
I wrote this blog to let you know that even when you do your best to take care of yourself, injuries can still occur. As much as we'd love to completely eliminate them, even when you do preventative injury routines and exercises, injuries can still occur. The entire philosophy behind injury prevention is to reduce the likelihood though it doesn't always work, it does reduce the frequency of injury. (This is my first limiting injury since 2008).
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