This was another great week for both of us. The goal this week was to hit 60 miles and have a solid 15 mile long run along with at least one good workout to start developing a little turnover. If you read my last post, you already had just a little insight to how the week was going. With Kimi working some long days so she could attend a continuing education seminar over the weekend, it was a challenging week. It's interesting how challenging weeks bring out the discipline in you so you can make sure that you get everything accomplished. Kimi and I did our first workout on Wednesday. It wasn't anything crazy fast or anything crazy long. We did a simple fartlek of 2 min on, 2 min off for 4 miles followed by 1 min on, 1 min off for the 5th mile. It wasn't as easy as either one of us had hoped it would be but that's to be expected with the way our training had been over the winter. Needless to say the least, but we managed to struggle through and finish up the workout. I woke up Thursday expecting to feel awful after our first workout. Thankfully, that was not the case. I had what I would consider a turning point type of run. I was planning a 10 mile run but never expected it to feel the way it did. I started out with a 6:55 first mile, which is pretty good. I looked at my watch and thought to myself, "hmm, that's odd, I don't feel like I'm going that fast." The second mile clipped off around 6:50 and with that, my confidence started to grow because it was simply feeling easy. The next mile clipped off around 6:45, and that was the uphill mile so once again I gained more confidence and the excitement for what could be during the remaining portion of the run grew even more. Then it just got easier as my body found a groove that just felt great. I clipped off mile after mile at or near 6:42 until the final two miles. This is one of those places where you can go one of two ways. Either your body starts to feel fatigue or you get so excited at the final result that you just let loose and roll it in. As I neared the 8 mile mark on this Thursday, the clouds rolled in, and rain started falling. I knew right then and there that this was definitely a turning point type of run. I was so excited to take on the challenge of finishing hard with the rain drops pelting me in the face that I simply turned up the intensity. Little by little, the pace went faster and faster. I finished up the run with a 6:35 and a 6:20.
If you think back to your history books and recall all of the wars ever fought, you will remember that they always detail a "turning point in the war." I truly believe that last week was that point for both Kimi and me. I knew we still had to get through the weekend and it was no slouch of one for Kimi. A fire has been lit under that girl and she's starting to get into a groove. Sunday afternoon was going to be our biggest challenge. After Kimi's continuing education seminar, we were headed up to the Frisco Trail to knock out the final run of the week.
*The Long Run*
A beautiful day near 55 degrees with a moderate wind of about 13-15 mph according to my weather app. Chance of rain was around 30% so there was no telling whether we would get soaked on this one. On the drive to the Frisco trail, I looked at Kimi and told her, "Today is going to be a battle, but all you have to do is find a way to win!" Then I also reminded her of the Nike slogan "Just Do IT" which is my phone's lock screen background. Much to my surprise, the run was feeling quite easy on the way out towards Willard. That's when I remembered the wind direction. Of course, it was directly behind us. I looked at Kimi after 5 miles into the run and reminded her, "the way back through Willard is going to be a difficult battle that we have to find a way to win!" We took our Carb Boom and a quick drink just before turning around to head back into the wind so that we wouldn't have to struggle even more with breathing as we were headed into the wind. Sure enough, the wind was doing exactly what I feared. The struggles began. We were still 6.5 miles away from the car and the only relief we would get from the direct head on wind would be by some of the trees lining the trail on the South side of Willard. Once again, I turned to Kimi and said, "we just have to make it through Willard, and then we'll get some relief." I was so proud of Kimi as she fought and fought against the wind. She was determined to make the entire run today, and it was going to be a good one no matter what. As we made it closer and closer to the end, the excitement began to build. At 1 mile to go, we could nearly taste the finish line now. I pointed out to Kimi that this was going to be a 'turning point in the war' and that we were well on our way now. We made it to the finish and I was quite pleased with our time. We had managed to maintain a pretty healthy pace the entire way back despite the headwind and onset of fatigue.
All in all, it was a great week. The plan was 60 miles, and I nailed it again.
*for those interested, I also began the ceiling texturing and I think it looks pretty good if I do say so myself.
Week Goal = 60 miles
Actual = 60 miles
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