Monday, January 13, 2014

2014 - 'First Full Week' Review

So far so good. It's been a decent start to 2014. I started off with my annual Active Release re-certification seminar in Kansas City on the first weekend of the year. The worst part of the seminar is the fact that it makes running difficult. I managed to complete 4 miles on the treadmill over the lunch break on that Friday. I went over to Rockhurst University where Kimi graduated to use their gym facility to get the run completed. I was unable to run on the Saturday because our lunch was cut a little short and then I wanted to jet home afterwards because weather was supposed to be quickly approaching.The best part of the seminar was when Dr. Leahy (Active Release Techniques founder) used me as an example and treated my left groin. It had been giving me issues for a couple years now. A few quick treatment passes later, my groin was much better. I'll be honest, even I was a bit skeptical at first because I had been dealing with the issue for so long, but it really does feel about 75% better than it used to. It wasn't a great first few days of the year but I did manage to have 25 miles in the first 4 days of the year.

This last week was a pretty good one until Friday.  We ran exactly according to schedule until Friday morning when it was a bit rainy. Unfortunately, I've become much more of a wimp in regards to the weather over the past few years. I can thank my wife for that (she absolutely hates the cold). So we didn't run Friday, but quickly returned to our plan on Saturday morning. On Saturday morning, we were able to sleep in because Kimi's race didn't start until 9:00!  I warmed up for the race with Kimi and then as she was racing, I continued my run so that we would both have an equal cool down after the race. After the race was over, we quickly went home, cleaned up and headed to Joplin for the indoor track meet at MSSU. The women's team was holding an alumni day so my wife had a chance to go and catch up with her former teammates and good friends. It was a lot of fun although exhausting. We even had a chance to go out to eat with my parents and enjoy some pretty good Mexican food.

(Kimi and her teammates)

So it wasn't exactly an exciting week of running because I didn't have any workouts or races, but the good news is that I did manage a decent mileage week. If I can refrain from having any major down weeks, I should be well on my way to a great year of running!

Week Mileage = 47
Current Mileage to date = 72

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